Adding elastic site search

One of the services Elastic provides is a site search service. They claim this adds site search to your site in just 5 minutes, which is not exactly true, but is not too far off the truth either. I managed to get a working site search with a nice-ishly styled search box in 30 minutes, 15 minutes of which were waiting for the confirmation email to arrive and the elastic crawler to do her job.

I decided to give it a try for this website. The steps are easy enough:

And that's it, site search indeed works pretty smoothly out-of-the-box. Without adding any additional javascript or html, the search works and looks like this:
site search results
The only bad news is that it's not for free, actually the pricing starts at $79 a month. So unfortunately I will remove the search again after the 14 day trial period. Still a nice product and an easy way to add search to your site without any coding on your side.
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